
Title 32 U.S.C. §112 (d), authorizes the National Guard, as a component of the Department of Defense (DOD), to conduct counterdrug operations.

Furthermore, Title 32 U.S.C. §112 (d) also authorizes the Secretary of Defense to provide funds to the state’s whose governor requests funds for drug interdiction and counterdrug activities to be carried out by National Guard members in that state. Upon approval from the Secretary of Defense, DOD funds each respective state plan through the Chief, National Guard Bureau.

Public Law 101-510 § 1004 of the FY 1991 National Defense Authorization Act authorizes the Secretary of Defense to provide an expanded range of counterdrug support to any other department or agency of the federal government or any state, local, or foreign law enforcement agency, provided such support meets specific procedural criteria.


Public Law 109-469 § 901 authorizes the National Guard to establish and operate five Counterdrug Schools to train drug interdiction and counterdrug activities to federal agencies, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, community-based organizations, and other non-federal organizations and private entities and organizations engaged in counterdrug activities.